Thursday, 1 October 2015

MonoNeon, A crazy Bassist with socks branding

Dywane Thomas, Jr. (born August 6, 1990), popularly known as MonoNeon, an American bassist and experimental musician. He is known for his presence on YouTube playing bass guitar and session work, performing with many award winning artist. His experimental music is weird and haven't seen something like that before. See video after the cut.

While Thomas is left-handed, he plays a right-handed bass guitar, upside down (right-handed bass played left-handed), which allows him to use heavy string bending  on the upper strings.

 Thomas' slapping style/technique is unique because he is executing everything upside-down, but he still uses the thumb for slaps and fingers for pops. He also uses fingers and palm muting to create a warm, muffled timbre and have a little more control over the length of notes.

Why does he usually wrap his bass tip with socks? Does it create a different fill or that's his magic power? lol.

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